Hawkweed (Yellow)

BC Min of Agr Luke Wichrowski

Plant Bio

Common Name:Yellow hawkweed
Classification/Rank:Extremely Invasive
Method of Transportation:Seeds, stolons and rhizomes can all spread to form new plants. Spreads easily through human activities (for example intentional planting or seeds stuck to hikers' shoelaces), in hay and on pack animals.
Habitat/Range:Prefers open areas with well-drained coarse-textured soils such as pastures, fields, meadows, clearings, and ditches.


Yellow hawkweeds are similar to orange hawkweed but have yellow disk flowers. There are both native (not invasive) and non-native (invasive) yellow hawkweeds in BC. In contrast to native hawkweeds, invasive hawkweeds are low growing and very invasive in lawns, pastures, roadsides and waste areas. Hawkweeds displace native vegetation.

For more information contact the NWIPC. To report this plant call 1-866-44WEEDS or use the Report-A-Weed application.


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