Contact Us

For general inquiries or to report an invasive plant (or likely suspect):
Call 1-866-449-3337 (toll free)
Email: [email protected]

Mail: PO Box 2052. Prince George BC, V2N 2J6

For specific inquiries, contact:

Executive Director/Program Manager - Overall program management and partnership development
Email: [email protected]

Field Operations Coordinator - Management of "on the ground" operations and contractor compliance
Email: [email protected]

Education/Outreach Assistant - public education and events
Email: p[email protected]


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posted: November 3, 2018
“WeedsBMP” App for Forage and Livestock Producers Now Available

Land owners and managers have long recognized the need to control invasive plants to limit their impacts. In May 2018, a new smartphone app...

posted: August 28, 2018
More bioagents released to help control spotted knapweed

Bioagents are one tool in the fight against invasive plants, and they are intensly studied before release to ensure they won't switch to...