Get Involved

There are several ways that you can get involved in invasive plant control. Most importantly, educate yourself about plants and solutions, report invasive plants found in your community and area (dial 1-866-449-3337) or download the Report Invasives app available for smart phones (iOS and ANdroid)and participate in our Landowner Weed Removal Rebate Program.

You can ...

  • Learn to identify invasive plants 
  • Report infestations to weed control organizations. Report Weeds
  • Become a NWIPC Member by subscribing to our newsletter
  • Participate in Community Weed Pulls and other Funded Projects
  • Participate in the NWIPC’s Landowner Weed Removal Rebate Program
  • Prevent infesting new areas - remove weeds and their seeds from equipment, vehicle undercarriages, clothing, livestock and pets prior to leaving an infested area
  • Pull isolated or new patches of weeds
  • Dispose of plants and seeds in a sealed plastic bag
  • Share this information with friends and neighbours
  • Adopt an area where volunteers control weeds - organize or participate in a Community Weed Pull
  • Educate children about invasive weeds

Concerning Horticulture and Recreation…

  • Do not plant “wild flower” seed mixes that contain noxious or invasive weed seeds (e.g. oxeye daisy)
  • Do not plant invasive species in your garden; if already present, remove and dispose appropriately
  • Be aware that dried flower arrangements containing any noxious weeds can spread seeds to new areas - dispose of properly
  • Obey posted signs and keep to established roads and trails - vehicle and bicycle tires can disturb soil providing an ideal seedbed for weeds to grow
  • Keep recreation equipment clean and weed free - PlayCleanGo
  • Clean Drain Dry all boats and equipment to help reduce the spread of invasive plants and organisms to BC waters

Concerning Agriculture and Industry…

  • Check hay bales for invasive weeds before purchasing and transporting
  • Practice sound range management to maintain a healthy plant community that is more resistant to weed invasion
  • Plant “certified” seed to reduce introduction of invasive species
  • Keep high-traffic areas around cattleguards, gates, irrigation ditches and livestock facilities free of weeds to reduce spread to new areas
  • Wash soil and plant material from heavy machinery before transporting to new locations
  • Reseed all sites disturbed by machinery and industrial equipment to prevent the establishment of new weeds
  • Vacant or undeveloped land should actively be managed to prevent weeds from establishing

Landowner Weed Removal Rebate Program

The NWIPC conducts a program to encourage rural private landowners to control invasive plants on their property. In the Landowner Weed Removal Rebate Program, the NWIPC will reimburse eligible landowners for 50% of invasive plant treatment costs up to a maximum of $750.00 (contractor travel costs are excluded)

In order to qualify for the reimbursement for weed control on private land the landowner must perform the following:

  1. The landowner must hire a certified pesticide applicator with a valid service license to provide invasive plant treatment recommendations and a cost estimate. A list of potential service providers is provided by NWIPC with the application. The cost must be within industry standards. Only invasive species on the list included with the application are eligible for treatment.
  2. Complete and submit the Landowner Weed Removal Rebate application form.
  3. You will receive a letter from NWIPC advising you of the acceptance of your application and confirmation of reimbursement.
  4. Complete and submit the Rebate Request Form to NWIPC once the treatment is completed and you have paid the contractor. Remember to include a copy of the applicator’s invoice, treatment area maps, applicator certificate number and expiry date, and service license number and expiry date, and send to [email protected].
  5. The annual deadline for rebate requests is November 15th of the year in which work was completed


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