
The Northwest Invasive Plant Council (NWIPC) forms various committees comprised of NWIPC members and directors who graciously commit their time.


Pesticide Issues, chair Jerry Daoust

The NWIPC Committee on Pesticide Issues is specifically concerned with acceptable chemical treatments around private property and watercourses. They actively provide advice to the NWIPC membership regarding pesticide usage. They have developed and recommended a guidance document for these matters and have contributed information from their area of expertise to a NWIPC Pesticides Issues Communications Flow Chart and emergency response plan for dealing with issues and emergencies.


Enforcement and Compliance, currently inactive

The purpose of the Enforcement and Compliance Committee of the NWIPC is to determine if enforcement is an effective invasive plant management tool and if so, to determine its best mode of delivery. The committee is also involved with developing guiding principles for the management of invasive plants within gravel pits. Emphasis is placed on reducing the need for enforcement.


Awareness and Extension, chair Steven Kiiskila

The NWIPC Awareness and Extension Committee’s goal is to increase awareness of invasive plants, their management and the NWIPC. This is achieved through media advertising, attendance and displays at public events and NWIPC merchandise.


Containment Polygon, chair Marc Schuffert

The Containment Polygon was formed in response for the need to contain Common Tansy within a specific area centered around Terrace and the lower Skeena where the infestation is currently beyond the point of elimination. The goal of a containment area is to optimize use of resources by focusing on control and prevention of the species outside of this area, versus treating infestations within the containment area.


NWIPC welcomes input from its members and the public. If you have any suggestions or would like to volunteer for a specific committee please contact the NWIPC Program Manager.


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