What We Do

The NWIPC provides support and coordination for those involved in the various aspects of invasive plant management including awareness, inventory, treatments and assessment. The NWIPC also uses resources pooled by member organizations to conduct on-the-ground management and treatment of invasive plants.

The NWIPC works off a Plan and Profile, which is reviewed and updated each year. The Plan provides a regional management strategy that prioritizes the treatment of invasive plants, and outlines actions to effectively manage species based on the principal that weeds know no boundaries. The Plan is developed with the input of all stakeholders and organizations who are members of the NWIPC.

Operating Principles of the NWIPC:

  • Encourage the public to report invasive plant sightings
  • Inform the public about invasive plant programs so they can provide comment
  • Develop and maintain a shared invasive plant inventory
  • Assess problems and threats that various invasive plants present to the environment and economy of the area. Categorize invasive plants and prioritize sites for control
  • Prevent the establishment of invasive plants not currently in the region. Prevent or minimize the spread of the invasive plants present in the region.
  • Conduct invasive plant management programs in the northwest and central B.C. using Integrated Pest Management principles as described in the Invasive Species Strategy for B.C.
  • Encourage all landowners, agencies and organizations operating in northwest and central B.C. to develop and implement invasive plant management programs
  • Manage and coordinate the activities and responsibilities of the various agencies and private landowners to ensure NWIPC goals are met


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posted: November 3, 2018
“WeedsBMP” App for Forage and Livestock Producers Now Available

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More bioagents released to help control spotted knapweed

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