Yellow Loosestrife

JLeekie (ISCBC)

Plant Bio

Common Name:Yellow Loosestrife
Classification/Rank:very invasive
Method of Transportation:
Habitat/Range:• first treated in NWIPC area in 2013 in Mackenzie


• Perennial herb; stems erect, solitary, simple or branched below, slightly if at all dotted with reddish or blackish spots, densely glandular-hairy, 60-150 cm tall.
• Basal leaves lacking; stem leaves opposite or in whorls of 3 or 4, lanceolate to narrowly elliptic, dotted with reddish or blackish spots, 3-10 cm long.
• Inflorescence branched, younger flowers borne at the tips, leafy-bracted; corollas uniformly yellow, 8-11 (13) mm wide, 5-lobed, the lobes entire; styles deciduous; filaments fused at the bases; sterile stamens lacking.
• Capsules, breaking into valves at dispersal; seeds few.


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