Yellow Flag Iris

Adam Jemakow

Plant Bio

Common Name:Yellow flag iris
Classification/Rank:Extremely Invasive
Method of Transportation:
Habitat/Range:• sold in garden centres and still available through the horticulture industry. • first reported in 2002 on Haida Gwaii • extremely invasive and could have serious impacts on the wetlands of Haida Gwaii • noted as common in Hartley Bay in 2005, and throughout the Stikine-Skeena IPMA beginning in 2009


• perennial herb from a rhizome; grows 0.5 to 1.5 m tall
• stems simple, sometimes branched
• leaves mostly basal, entire, long pointed
• flowers pale to deep yellow; inflorescence of 4 to 12 showy flowers, tubes flared above


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