Tansy Ragwort

LScott (ISCBC)

Plant Bio

Common Name:Tansy ragwort
Classification/Rank:Very Invasive
Method of Transportation:Spreads mainly by seed dispersal by wind, within 10 m of the original infestation, but seeds can be transported in soil carried on equipment and vehicles, as well as by people and livestock.
Habitat/Range:• one large site reported on Haida Gwaii. • several sites reported in the PG and Robson Valley IPMAs in 2006


• biennial or short lived perennial herb from taproot; grows 0.2 to to 1.0 m tall
• stems erect, solitary or several branched above, sparsely to densely white woolly-hairy
• basal leaves broadly lance shaped, stalked, 2 to 3 times pinnately cut, smooth; stem leaves similar, reduced upwards becoming unstalked
• flowers yellow; several to numerous clusters


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