St. John’s-wort

Gordon Neish

Plant Bio

Common Name:St. John's-wort
Classification/Rank:Aggressive or Under Bio-control
Method of Transportation:
Habitat/Range:• a companion with common tansy in the Terrace area. • prevalent along Hwy 16 from the Skeena River Bridge west to the A&W in Terrace. • moving east and small infestations are appearing along Hwy 16 through to the eastern edge of the region. • moving north towards the region along the CN rail line and Hwys 5 and 97. • not thought to present a serious threat due to successful biological control


• perennial herb from a rhizome; grows 0.1 to 1.0 m tall
• stems erect, much branched above, smooth
• stem leaves lance-shaped, unstalked, obtuse, smooth with translucent glandular dots throughout and black marginal dots
• flowers are yellow; occur as an inflorescence of over 100 flowers


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