Scotch Broom

Becky Brown Wikipedia

Plant Bio

Common Name:Scotch broom
Classification/Rank:Extremely Invasive
Method of Transportation:Splitting seed pods can eject seeds up to 5 meters. Seeds can be spread on machinery and vehicles. Any disturbance activity can enhance spread.
Habitat/Range:Escaped garden ornamental that can invade well-drained mineral soils that are exposed. Shade-intolerant.


Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius) is an evergreen shrub up to 3 m in height. Stems are woody and generally five-angled. Pea-like flowers are found along the stems and are yellow, sometimes with a red marking near the center. Seeds are contained in dark, hairy pods.

Note: Gorse is also an evergreen shrub with yellow pea-like flowers and it looks very similar to Scotch broom, but Gorse is armed with rigid spines.

For more information or to report this plant contact the NWIPC at [email protected] or call the Weeds Hotline at 1-866-44WEEDS. The Report-A-Weed application is also available for easy reporting from a Smart phone.


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