Field Scabious

Shirley Hamblin NWIPC

Plant Bio

Common Name:Field scabious
Classification/Rank:Extremely Invasive
Method of Transportation:Birds and human activities
Habitat/Range:Nutrient-rich and moist to dry-loam soils. Commonly found on roadsides, pastures and fields.


Field scabious (Knautia arvensis) also known as Blue buttons or pincushion scabious, invades roadsides, pastures, and fields where it replaces desirable vegetation. The flowers of field scabious range from violet-blue to white in colour and are similar in shape to red clover flowers. All plant parts are covered in stiff hairs. Leaves are deeply divided and they decrease in size as you move toward the shoot. For more identification tips and management options visit the Weeds BC fact sheet.


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