Bishop’s Goutweed

Plant Bio

Common Name:Bishop’s Goutweed
Method of Transportation:This species spreads easily from root fragments and can spread into new areas as a result of the dumping of garden debris
Habitat/Range:Mesic to dry roadsides and waste places in the lowland zone


General: Perennial herb from a long-creeping rhizome, often in bundles; plants creeping, patch-forming; stems hollow, grooved, glabrous, 0.3-1.0 m tall. Leaves: Basal leaves 2 times pinnately-cut, leaf segments stalked, egg-shaped, the tips long-pointed, stem leaves deeply indented with leaflets once to several times compound, 10-20 cm long, the segments 4-8 cm long, sessile or shortly stalked, reduced upwards. Flowers: Inflorescence terminal in compound umbels; petals white or sometimes pink, usually lacking bracts. Fruits: Egg-shaped, 3-4 mm long, ribs inconspicuous


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