
Clean Drain Dry - help keep things like the “zombie” plant out of our waterways!

Clean Drain Dry - help keep things like the “zombie” plant out of our waterways!

There are native milfoils in BC, but Eurasian water-milfoil is a concern in many parts of eastern Canada and the US, and has been found in the Prince George and Kootenay regions. It's been called the zombie plant because it can be detached from it's root system (say, by your boat or trailer), be transported to a new site and can come back to life as a new plant. Eurasian water-milfoil can form dense thickets and choke out native plant species, impacting fish and waterfowl. One more reason to Clean Drain Dry all your boats and equipment before moving to another body of water. Also a reason not to dump unwanted pets and aquarium material in waterways - Don't Let It Loose!


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