Community Weed Pulls

Community Weed Pulls

Looking for a way to bring some local groups together to help the environment? Or maybe you know of a special spot that could use some hands-on care to get rid of some invasive plants? We can help you organize a Community Weed Pull - a chance to get a little dirty with some friends and neighbours, share knowledge about a special space, and learn how to stop the spread of invasive species!

​A community weed pull is a hands-on event designed to promote public awareness and involvement in invasive plant management.

Community groups learn about invasive plants and hand-pull priority invasive weeds on sensitive sites. In recognition of their work the NWIPC presents the community group with a $250 honorarium. Registration form. Let us know if you have an idea, or a group that is interested in participating, and we'll help organize it! Contact [email protected]

Weed Pull examples in action:

In Dunster BC, members of the Dunster 4-H Community Club manually control invasive plants along community roadways. The group also increases community awareness of the issues raised by invasive plants by manning the NWIPC information booth at the annual “Cattlemen’s Ball.” The Cattlemen’s Ball is an important fundraiser for this 4-H club.

Immaculate Conception Church and School, Canada Thistle Containment Project The Immaculate Conception Church and school grounds have been plagued by a major infestation of Canada thistle in recent years. In 2007, with funds provided by NWIPC, they organized a community work bee and BBQ to remove the plants from the site. At the event, parishioners and neighbours were educated about invasive plants and rehabilitating the infested area.


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