
Andrea Eastham’s Contributions Honoured!

Andrea Eastham’s Contributions Honoured!

Congratulations to 2015 Together in Action Award winner Andrea Eastham for leadership on tackling invasive species! Long-time NWIPC manager and most recently Field Coordinator Andrea Eastham was honoured in Richmond January 20, 2015 at the Invasive Species Council of BC awards gala, where she was presented the Individual Award.

"Andrea Eastham has been a major driving force in invasive plant management in northwestern BC, serving as the program manager for the North West Invasive Plant Council for the past eight years. Her involvement with the invasive species sector goes well beyond her work with the Council, as she has volunteered countless hours of her personal time. Her passion for the environment and enthusiasm is well known, and she is recognized as being a wonderful mentor, and inspiring teacher, teaching many workshops and mentored numerous students over the years. Andrea’s long-term commitment and contributions were recognized by several nominations from her peers, industry partners and provincial government associates. Her leadership qualities have resulted in many collaborations, and her efforts have had a major impact on the ground. Coordinating invasive plant management on nearly half the province’s land-base is no easy task. Andrea’s leadership, professionalism and dedication are recognized throughout BC, and she has been an exemplary leader in this field."

The NWIPC has been blessed having you all these years! Thank you.


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